Monday, March 28, 2011

hang out wt old fren~weekend...actually kopu's fren..hheheh

hehehe..... although jus 4 persons were involved in this micro gathering but its stil fun.... ni xsemua involve lg..kalo semua involve gawat agaknya kedai tu.... kecoh tahap gaban kot..... tp best dpt jumpe diorg tambah plak tmpt n mkn yg best...hehhehe kredit to fizah sharif pandai hang pilih tempat naaa.terbaik dari ladang nih heheheh.. suke sy... pas ni kalo sy dtg lg kat kdai tu xmustahil hehehehh.... ok stop talking abt makn2 yg paling best lame giler kot xjumpa...biler jumpe xleh stop kot nak borak kalo ikut bukan ade topik pun coz masing2 dah ade alam masing2 we al stil ade je cerite nak dibualkan..... almaklum la  together2 miss strongly one thing that i 'm so hepi.... is they already success wt their own career...suke2....biase le kawan hepi...kawan berjaya.... off coz i tumpang gembira sgt2..hehheheh

so hopefully next event pengajur dpt kumpulkan lg ramai yg datang..... MACRO GATHERING plak yek....

1 comment:

  1. kema..

    i'm glad u like the place, sbb risau jugak takut tak kena selera korang...ok next time we plan for the Macro gathering, n kali ni blh amik pics banyak-banyak lagi :D
